what's wrong with those rheumy, odd-sized, honey-colored orbs?
am i getting a crazy eye?
maybe it's because it's earth day.
i'll be sure to throw some styrofoam fast food packaging
onto the roadside ,
out of my open car windows while the a/c is on full blast,
as i drive around without a destination,
burning petrochemicals,
right before i throw my recyclables in the regular trash bin,
and dump my ashtray in the front yard frog habitat.
hooray for earth!
that's more like what the other other 'nother types of "up-here"
mutha-uckas get busy on.
and although i'm too outnumbered,
by opposing opponents too vast to count,
i'll eventually have 'em all surrounded,
and confounded,
by the convoluted combat tactics i employ;
just being dope,
taking it to eleven,
and doo-dooin' ALL the freakiest freaky sh!t.
i'll be eatin' salmonella-tainted sprouts,
and e. coli laced organic spinach, too.
and all for the greater good of the planet?!
i'm just doing my part, ya'll.
for the earth.
or something along those lines.
i mean,
how seriously can i take any holiday
invented by a dude named gaylord, ya'll?.....
i'm just sayin'.
now that i've got that out of the way....
me and the cucch learned how to tie bow ties yesterday.
i look like i belong on a plantation down south,
sippin' some minty juleps while i shuffle-step to some ragtime....
what a nerd!
once we were sufficiently sweater-vested,
we went out with our new friends,
casey and ed,
and had some normally expensive corporate hippie pizza!
except we've got crazy juice over there,
and got an epic hook-up!
times were had.
good ones, even.
bright spots, ya'll.
so good.
even on deep, dark days;
never quiet, never soft....
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