Friday, October 16


hey neighbors,
it turns out that i'm into threesomes....
....of flavor!
take it easy.
what i really mean is:
i made some brownies,
i didn't just make some brownies.
any doo-doo butterball can make a chocolate square and call it a day.
the thing is,
i'm not just anybody,
and while i may not be somebody,
doo-doo butterballerism isn't my jammie-jam.
y'know why?
because i'm a warrior poet of copious culinary competency
and expert vegan baked greatness,
and i know how to make the mutha-flipping magic pop off in the oven.
it's good to do it right,
but the secret is to OVERdo it even right-er.
too much is the right amount,
and that means that if brownies are good,
then brownie+ is clearly way better.
better is what we need.
and better is what i've got.
check the +-type teleport:
wordimus prime.
but also coconut pumpkin marble jauns!
coconut flour, and coconut shreds, together with pumpkin blops,
stirred up and spread out,
with half in reserve to get what it deserves-
which is to say, molto molto cocoa, for brownifying the F*ing batter, buddy.
that's right.
i cut and sliced and blended both halves,
and baked 'em up just right.
they're surprisingly light for how rich they taste.
they're soft and spongy and have the perfect amount of spring
to their fall flavored freshness.
that's expert.
of course,
i had to take 'em to eleven.
after all,
beautiful marble-blend rectangles of righteous tri-taste terrificness
are pretty much already awesome,
but MORE is the priority action order for all of our endeavors,
and i'm not about to start oozing out b!tchsap in the homestretch.
no way.
i also lit 'em up with a silky smooth deep dark chocolate drizz'.
diagonal stripes and strips of those devilish drips for added excellence,
and a little exxxtra-chocolaty flavor flav' for your face.
oh, yeah.
don't you worry about that, friends-
there's always room for a little somethin' somethin' else.
to activate the omega-level lusciousness,
i topped the saucy chocolate with some sunovab!tchin' sharpnel,
in the form of toasted coconut sprankles.
this bakery life is not a joke, jerks.
i love treats.
and what i love, i take seriously.
you think i'm gonna rep some one-color box-mix single-note bullsh!t?
no way.
box mix is for jerks,
and dilligently overindulgent complicated craftsmanship is the only kind
of cultivated kitchen culture invited to the Folk Life & Liberty Fortress.
that's a thing.
it's another 'nother ball-out friday,
and i've brought brownies to the party.
this is the life i live-
treats and tricks and triple-type tastes.
it's all really happening,
because i don't just dream it, y'all-
i be it;
never quiet, never soft.....

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