Thursday, December 4


jess made this.^^
she's kinda the best one.
and she's damn cute, to boot.
more people should be buying her sh!t.
that include's you.
email her, my ninjas, and get some.
she's even got prints, you cheap bastards....
make those moves.....

timing is everything.
or at least the hardest thing.
i'm workin' on my timing,
like a clocktower repairman,
from my lofty, elevated vantage point in the white mountains, an' that.
music? battle-beats keep the rythym, yo.
cooking? timing, ya'll.
XI-mastimes shopping schedule? timing, again.
sleep scheduling vs. art makiness? yeah.
workin' that j.o.b? closing time rules!
comedy? uh-huh.
delightful delivery of deprecating discussions? it's ALL timing.
timelines, time trials, time outs...
there's a time and a place for everything, i hear.
the place is definitely the woodsly goodness,
and the time is now.
so really, it's more a question of what's poppin'....
so what's poppin?:

the best baked ziti i've ever made....
no lines on the 'ronis!
that's the secret. weird.
i deriously broke my guts off eatin' so SO much of it.
but, it was worth every rumble, grumble, and fumble.

a batch of bobotronical battle-beasts.
some are more complete than others.
time will tell how much hottness each one can hold;
a painting day is definitely due.

bits and pieces.
that's a tooth-faced helmet on the right.
i'm using a playmobil barbarians toybox to make this viking vindicator come alive.
there are rumors circulating that this stuff no longer counts as garbage art.
i beg to differ,
and not just to be contrary;
the spirit of the makiness is still dumpster-divin' doo-doo destruction.
so put that in your bin and recycle it...

i'm runnin' errands,
XI-mas shoppin',
makin' art,
and all while still reppin' the folk lively woodsly goodness.
full to the brim, ya'll.
perfect timing, indeed...
never quiet, never soft...

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