Tuesday, December 8

shopping block

the byword is buy-words,
that means books are in the basket,
and printed materials and book rate mailing is in effect.
i always get a stink-wink from the postal servicemen
when i ask for a totally non-jesusy un'tarded set of XI-mas stamps.....
there's just no sense of what's poppin' over there.
i'm sayin',
there's three guys named paul over there at any given time.
that's real.
and it's also real questionable.
sounds like a pseudonym arrangement for hard-style service.
y'know, as in:
disgruntled stamp-buyer: 'paul was very rude to me'
disgruntled postal worker: 'ohhhh, paul, huh? we'll get right on that...'
i've got my nutcracker stamps, and no big baby jeez in sight at all.
that's a mark in the win column for sure.

we shopped well after any normal human's dropping point.
there must've been a secret universal ley-line of powerful barbarian energy
or something,
because we were impervious to jingley-jangled pumped-in holiday tunes,
and immune to 'assachussetts asslords shoving and pushing for sweet deals.
we got down on that spirits and memories style-
that's XI-mas spirit,
designed to dispense kickass memories,
all in the Folk Lively wintery wonderments of the woodsly goodness.
i swore up and down the sunny side of the streets, all day long.
i even managed to wheedle a grudging agreement from the import store lady,
about the brutal 3rd world truth;
corrugated tin roofs guarantee some hot 'rrhea.
nobody can resist true stories told truly.
i got them jauns, ninjas,
AND a closet full of presents, too-
we're just the types to reward naughtiness over nancy-pantsed niceties anyway.

there's talk of impending arctic assault tomorrow.
that's just what i was hoping for.
especially since i put off stacking firewood today.
doo-dooin' it in the snow will definitely be better, right?
maybe i'll ask one of the postal pen-pauls to help.
that'd be a hoot.
i'm looking forward to thick snow...
because that sh!t insulates like a mo-fo.
and i am flippin' fuh-reeeeee-zin'.
drafty old houses.
they are the hottness,
but they just don't hold heat;
never quiet, never soft.....

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