Tuesday, April 19


here's the thing, kids-
i love pizza.
i never get tired of it.
and i eat a lot of it.
as you'll already know, if you've been regularly reading,
on friday, i made four pizzas.
i ate three quarters of each, like a starving savage. 
on saturday, i ordered a big ol' pizza delivered to the tattbomb studio,
ate it all,
and then finished off what was left of the other pizzas when i got home.
we had more pizza.
instead, we slurped on some delicious chunky tomato soup.
with all the veggies from the fridge,
and some tiny tubie pastas.
ampy-d brought the big action to a boil,
and i had a few bowlfuls,
after i ate a whole berry pie.
shark gluttony is not a joke, folks.
and yesterday evening, 
you want to hazard a guess as to what did we did about dinner?
you guessed it-
take away pies, devoured in minutes, at the Folk Life & Liberty Fortress.
i TOLD you.
i love pizza, and i eat a lot of it.
i just can't get enough pizza.
and flatbread has the goods up here in the white mountains.
the only thing is,
i want MORE toppings.
thin crust pizza is dope.
but i need something heartier to hold onto all the other stuff i also want to eat.
i like my crust thin, sure,
but my overall pizza reality is living so exxxtra-fat,
i think there's only one thing to do about it.....
and i'm doing it.
right now, even as i'm typing,
the troof is being proofed.
that's what's up, neighbors.
the proof is in the proofer, and so it goes.
tonight is gonna be a good night.
how do i know this?
because i've got that new deep dish double dough slow-rollin' in the fridge.
we're about to beat up some DEEP DISH again.
(i'm rubbing my hands together like a sinister supervillain, just so you know)
80% of my world these days is pizza.
it's just too good.
soon, however,
i feel a falafel feeding frenzy coming on.
i think it's time.
i mean, 
c'mon, gang, we've been getting verrrrrrry familiar with tacos lately,
as if they're trying to make a move towards taking the silver medal.
i think it's only fair to allow those garbanzos a rebuttal.
not every day is a triumph of culinary expertism.
i'm still here, writing about real life, 
even when there's far less cooking, 
and way more eating really happening...
tonight, however, 
we feast on the deepest of dishes,
and it promises much deliciousness;
never quiet, never soft.....

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