Sunday, April 10

putting the ATE in 28!

berfdays are an emotional time here at the Folk Life & Liberty Fortress.
...that's real.

we sing the songs,
and we light the candles,
so there's music and hottness,
brightness and warmth,
there's also big pressure pressing in on all sides to have all the big fun,
and all the while there's always still so much to do,
even when it's a special day...
the decorations were hung,
the presents were wrapped,
the stage was set for a great success-
and that's when i remembered the F*ing homefries.
without homefries, a big berfday breakfast ain't sh!t.
real talk.
so, after not sleeping even a little bit,
and not feelin' the flow of the expert universal wavelengths,
i still had to run out and get a few last minute bits and pieces,
just to create a special berfy moment for amber.
....who woke up,
and interacted with the celebratory scene in advance of it's completion!
awwwwwww, man.
i was counting on everybody sleeping IN, as usual,
and instead, i looked like a total d!ckturd, in absentia,
before the big reveal was fully operational.
i think that was the early warning system for the hardest of hard styles.
here's the thing, though, neighbors-
everything we did was fresh-
it just wasn't flowing smoothly through time and space
like a berfday explosion of fete feasting festivities should.
...we experienced one hard-won tough-fought expression
of our sincerest gratitude for, generosity towards,
active participation with, and professional appreciation of all things ampy-d.
you betcha.
we doo-doo that freaky-diki wrappin' sh!t.
check the holiday teleport:

it's not that i don't bring the noise on the appropriate gestures,
it's that i'm so noisy about everything else.
so, despite every package being full of stuff.
(no single item per box shystie pile inflating here,)
rules is rules-
and those flowers showing up looking hella springtime fresh;
even if, like today's twenty degrees of fahrenheit wake up,
slightly late on the springy times...
the feels were a little effed up, and that's never a tasty piece of berfday sentiment.
even the breakfast was dope.
but it couldn't overcome the lingering malaise of the previous loooooong night.

the potato scene was a key element in the relative expertism, for sure.
they should've fueled the barbarian waffle worthiness,
but we were all still waaaay too tired to really be enriched by the effort.
we went for a walk,
we ate a slice or two of cake,
we even watched a movie.
and in between i went to work for a spell,
while all the ladies got their nails did up.
berfdays are the worst days,
which just seems so unfair, and SO damned dumb,
especially when every activity is so spot-on for happy smiles,
and all we've got to show for 'em are weary grimaces.
for crying out loud,
even tacos didn't pull us up out of the gloom:

and i mean,
those jauns were really expert.
guacamole is chunky green joyousness.
and refrieds are always a crowd pleaser up here.
the seitan asada situation was miles ahead of itself, and the baby kale,
and baby spinach, and arugula, all had the leafy greenery going off,
like space age nutrients form the future.
scallion sprankles, and pea shoots, and tomatoes to boot?
i think as a family we eschew chee' and sauce on tacos as a matter of course.
the thing of it is-  i disdain and avoid add-on afterwards condiments.
and i'm hoping to instill that in these kids.
no foolin'.
amber turned twenty eight,
and only cried a little bit.
i had every piece of the puzzle flipped, organized, and ready to assemble,
and somehow still managed to mess it up.
the hardest of styles in the cellar of celebration-
that's how it unfolded.
they can't all be the best ever,
but that doesn't mean they can't at least be kind of good.
warrior poetry frequently finds the true story in the fantasy,
and yesterday,
we watched it unwrap itself, and reskin the surface with tired eyes and tight fists.
it's all really happening, friends.
it's our party, and we'll shed a tear, or our skin, as we see fit;
never quiet, never soft.....

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