Wednesday, June 12


aly finished her large and in charge mostly-drawn on semi-stippled
octopus cover-up the other day:

that's a lot going on.
she brought me a picture of 'almost exactly what she wanted',
and i drew a facsimile directly on her hip that worked better
than if i'd just tried to stick a stencil on with crossed fingers and high hopes.
is that more work?
it is.
does it take a little baby bit longer?
it does.
are the results almost always more impressive?
i F*ing hope so.
i will say that i'm much happier with the outcome this way.
glare on the photo, you say?
if it isn't food, i apparently have NO skill at capturing an image.
that's my curse,
but i'm betting you can still tell that this was a labor-intensive endeavor.
we do that over here because we're different,
or so i've heard.
i'd say we're better, and we make better art for better people,
but what do i know about tattooing or anything else?;
never quiet, never soft.....

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