Saturday, June 29


a cheeseless, sauceless pizza on the grill?
holy sh!t-
with grilled tomatoes, and grill-roasted potatoes, red onions,
alllll the garlic, and radishes, and fresh-plucked herbs from my garden?
everything expert is all i'm even dealing with right now.
check it out:

do you even know what i'm talking about?
i mean, you see it- but do you know, bro?
this is IT.
the grill was raging with high intensity hot fire.
the coals were glowing,
the whole scene was set for big drama.
and out comes this rich, crisp, chewy-centered crust.
that's tight.
dressed with olive oil to start-
plus the lightly-fried garlic slices that are my grilled pizza signature.
i roasted the potatoes in foil, with oil, black pepper and pink salt,
then unloaded the whole pouch onto the pizza.
i got myself a couple of grillin' trays, so i used one to blacken up those tomatoes, too.
neighbors, that's dreamy-
smoky, burst tomato hottness turns up the pizza game to eleven.
no jokes.
and the red onion? smart.
the radishes? c'mon. you weren't expecting it......but you like it.
and the fresh oregano, and basil, and rosemary?
y'need sprankles, bruh.
get with it.
i gave you the dough recipe.
i told you about the fire.
all that's left is for you to try it yourself.
i s'pose you could use a propane jaun, if that's all you have-
but it won't be as dope......not even one little tiny baby bit close to it, even.
fire is the way to go.
that's a thing.
pizza is the best.
grilled pizza tastes like summer.
that's it;
never quiet, never soft.....

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