Monday, August 21


a real number two.
terrible two.
numero dos.
today is the day, folks.
a berfday.
a big action celebration,
a magical moment for me and my small white broski-mo.
that's right-
my thunderously terrifically terrible terrier,
my shark-bullet battle-beast,
my lil milky BOI,
my main man, best bud, and ragna'rock-solid ride-or-die duder,
turns TWO.
....and let's all wish a very happy F*ing berfday to the good boy:

he's a juggernaughty little nerd,
and a frisky little F*face,
and a long-nosed torpedo turdblaster,
but he's my guy, and i'm his guy,
and we're guys.
....which is to say, i love this awful animal,
and he likes it a lot when i feed him,
but otherwise would rather be doing something somewhere else with anyone else...
so, it's basically every relationship i've ever had,
but with a lot less talking, and a million more miles spanned on the hoof outdoors.
damn, neighbors.
that's a hard style,
but he's a hard-headed heartattacker with a cast-iron cabeza de caca,
so what else would we expect?
it's his berfy d, tho,
so you KNOW i still hooked it up for the kid.

vegan gluten-free sweet potato coconut oatmeal birthday biscuits!!!
they're really good.
(yeah, i had one, so?)
he gets the hook up because rules is rules,
and the rules clearly state that you get treats on your big day.
that's real.
he's the best one, and i love his whole face right off.
the thing is,
these biscuits are totally delicious, and with a pinch of sugar,
i bet i'd have eaten more of them myself.
(i did eat some, it was a berfday party after all)
here's what went on in the food processor to create his special goodies:
1 small peeled roasted sweet potato;
4 T coconut oil;
1 cup oats;
4 T coconut flour;
4 T flaked unuslphred coconut;
1 tsp vanilla;
1/4 cup sweet rice flour;
dash of salt;
3 T cold water.
^^^^DAS IT!
processed until doughy, rolled, cut and baked at 375℉ for ten minutes.
instant happiest dog.
.....and his little green and gold hermes hat?
party hats are good for you on party days, man.
everybody knows that.
crabtree is my constant companion.

this fella is fresh to death, on his day of birth.
he's my confidant.
my bunkmate.
my happy little dummy.
my big dumb duder.
my stinky guy, my crispy crimbo, etc etc etc-
i love him.
and i'm grateful for him in my life.
he's been here throughout the seasons,
and while each and every one of the humans in my small small world
have all migrated, sojourned, emigrated, and escaped from the woodsly goodness,
crabby abides and resides inside them,
at the Folk Life & Liberty Fortress,
right here with me.
that's better than anything else;
never quiet, never soft.....

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