Thursday, March 29


Breakfast For Dinner, dudes.
no it wasn't my idea, just my execution of a plan to please and appease
my outstanding other person.
yeah, that's right.
Breakfast For Dinner was the request,
Breakfast For Dinner was the result.
i do what i can to do what is asked.
for real.
she says stuffed french-style sourdough toast,
and what she gets is something along those lines.
the toasty frenchiness is there, the sourdough is hearty and heroic, for sure;
the stuffin' was more of a stackin' of stacks on stacks...
but it did the trick, man.
i'm serious.
nighttime feasting is not something to take lightly-
which is why we went heavy on the heapin' helpful helpin',
for a hum-day camel's-back-breakin' big doublebump of goodness.
check the teleport:

this was a battle-beastly burly blast of berries and bread and bananas,
AND a whole mess of vanilla coconut yogurt,
AND real maple syrup,
AND vegan whipped cream,
AND pumpkin seeds,
AND gently-dusted cinnamon sprankles!!!
if MORE is the whole point, then this bigger, more beautifuller is the pointiest.
too much is the right amount, kids.
and this was a magnificent mega-mouthful of mountainous mealtime magic.
no jokes, the hottness level held steady at eleven.
our morning night food was exxxactly what the doctor ordered,
and everything was expert in every single bite.
that's word.
the pepitas were oil-fried a little bit, then glazed with vanilla and agave-
sticky, toasty, crunchy little awesomes that activated a whole new layer of flavor
mixed in with all the other other tasty tastes
that were trying to exxxplode my brain with delicious delightedness.
that's tight.
sliced bananas go great with real new hampshire rich, dark amber maple syrup.
rules is rules, and the really-real dehydrated tree juice is the ONLY way
we'll doo-doo our freaky-diki frenchy french toasty toastin' around here.
a little whippy 'cream', and a lotta the main body of boomfire,
and we're in business, and it's boomin', like the name implies, guys.
you like french toast?
how about sourdough bread?
and spices and sh!t? are those cool?
well, then, look a bit closer at our version of stuff-stacked slabs of sexxxiness:

yummmmmmm, lil bihhhh.
y'wanna make some?
well, first you need some sourdough bread.
ours is homemade, of course.
that's correct....we haven't had store bread in YEARS.
so, white mountain white wheat sourdough,
soaked and saturated in saucy batter, is what we used.
i've got a countertop full of live active starter culture,
and a breadbasket full of bread that ranges from the freshiest freshie freshness
to the sad, supple sorta stale butts and end pieces, so that part of the process
was on point from the initial idea phase of this meal.
we made sixxx sexxxy slices total,
and each one was a F*ing triumph of taste and texture!
the batter was actually a baby bit better than usual,
and i attribute that to the addition of exxxtra spices.
MORE spices means MORE flavor. tha's obvi, isn't it?
it sure did what i intended, i'll say that...
in a medium mixing bowl, frantically whisk together:
1 1/4 cups vanilla almond milk;
pinch of pink salt;
4 tsp ground chia/flax meal;
2 tsp gram (chickpea) flour;
1 T (heaped) nutritional yeast;
2 T agave nectar;
1 tsp a.p. flour;
vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, and allspice, to taste.
let that quickly thicken, (which it will) then soak all your slices in there,
until they're fully saturated with that slightly-slimy slippery sauce.
then y'gotta make 'em sizzle...
we fried ours up in a big pan on medium-high heat,
with fat slaps of earth balance buttery equivalent,
for a few minutes on each side, until they looked like pure bliss and joy
in naturally-leavened, custom-battered, buttered and grilled glory.
that's a real life truth, bro.
and then it was time to sandwich all the hottness in between and atop the heap.
damn, friends-
this whole effort was a real teamwork-tester.
we plated everything as a tandem twosome, and that was tight af.
toast, coconut yogurt (so delicious brand came through for y'boi),
and a whole mess of lemon-zested, lemon-juiced, vanilla-kissed mixxxed berries.
that's 2 cups of frozen whole strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, and raspberries,
simmered with a quarter of a large lemon, zested, squeezed, and tossed right in,
until everything is soft and supple and sloshin' around-
a scoople or two of that over the 'gurt,
and then another 'nother blop of yo-yo over that.
and then a whole extra slice of toast on top of THAT!!!
hmmm? then what?
well, as you can see, then you do a drizz' of syrup, MORE yogurt, MORE berries,
and then all the other awesome little bits and pieces.
holy sh!t.
i am still reeling with feelings for this feast.
the base of all that beauty is the bread.
for sure.
good bread makes better people, and the best french toast.
my weird little obsessive homemade life revolves around food.
i do a whole lotta other stuff,
but it's the food that ties the beginnings and the endings together to make a fluid
current of organic expertism free-flowing from the font of fresh-to-deathliness.
i know i'm lucky to have access, time, drive, motivation, and skills to create
abundant, nourishing, nice-to-look-at hearty healthy hottness every damned day.
that's partly why i do it.
i'd hate to seem ungrateful, and squander a gift i've been given.
i gotta do the thing, or i'm just being a wasteful wastrel, no?
there's no good reason to skip out on the big action.
you'd only be cheating yourself out of all the good stuff;
never quiet, never soft.....

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