but after my most recent disappointing results,
i've been back at it during every free moment at the studio.
check the teleport:

a little smiley guy!
i don't think i'm quite where i wanna be;
i'm sure if i went back to the bold cartoon outlines of yesterday,
i could probably be a bit happier with my results...
i'm moving forward over here into new territory.
oh. no.
i'm not gonna start doing landscapes or whatever.
i'm not about to flip the script like THAT.
it's still all always skulls, monsters, and and robobotrons-
i mean,
rules is rules.
and there's a rule that says skulls is what i paint.
that's real.
i AM painting sh!t that looks looser, and dirtier,
and maybe not as good...yet.
it's definitely the same and different in ways i'm learning to appreciate
as i learn how to make sh!tty brushes and inexpensive paints
work a baby bit better on cardboard cutaways and castoffs.
i am curious if good supplies really make that much of a difference,
or if that's just a conceit of spoiled artists.
i very nearly always choose the hard styles over the soft ones.
i'm a wrench and not a feather, i guess.
there will be MORE of this.
there has to be.
until i get where i'm going, there's a whole lot of journeying
i'm gonna have to get busy gettin' into.
speaking of getting into it-
working late on a sunday night is no fun.
heading into town to tune up some flatbread afterwards
is a decent consolation.
i'm eating MORE pizza, man.
that's my move.

six days last week.
that's how often pizza figured into my meal plan-
i mean, on the ones- that's a LOT of pizza.
i bet i could've eaten more,
had there actually been more to eat.
the only problem with pizza is that it isn't infinite.
which may, in fact, be a saving grace for one such as i, y'feel me?
i will eat the pizza until there is no longer any left,
and sometimes,
that's a truly epic herculean labor of love an' lust an' crust.
am i down for another 'nother pizza?
i rep pizza forever, just like wu-tang.
last, but not least, i'd like to take second to remind y'all
of what a spectacular specimen my terrific terrier is:

crabtree is NOT for the faint of heart.
he's very strong, and very friendly, and very very handsome.
he is a barrel-chested battle-blaster of rambunctiousness.
he will trick with you with a wagging tail and his striking good looks,
and the next thing you know, he'll be standing on your chest,
licking your dumb face with his dumb face,
because he's bowled you over in order to win you over.
it's a rough approach, and i'd like to think he learned it from his ol' man.
in the same way that i'm painting just to be better at painting,
having crabby is a great way for to be beter at being patient and mindful;
and also a demand that i be loving and involved
in ways i might otherwise abstain from.
he's a good influence on me.
as long as i can keep up, and keep myself calm,
and navigate the trails and roadways of the woodsly goodness
without tugging him along the asphalt or gravel,
and we can make it home safe and sound and together,
i do believe we're bonding a little bit.
me and my dude in the forest realm.
that's how i'm working out all the knots in thread of my fate an' sh!t/.
real life isn't all cooking and baking.
there's some less romantic aspects that fill in the blanks.
the thing is,
a fancy plate with nothing on it is of no use to anybody;
i think the behind-the-scenes bits are important, too,
but the big action is better copy.
it's not as flashy as a homemade cake or whatever,
but the gaps where the set up and break down take place are where i am most often.
the in-betweens are much bigger than the grandest of finales,
and anybody who says otherwise is a poop-headed liarmouth.
ampy-d and i;
crabby and us;
pizza for everybody;
craft paints and shredded bristle brushes;
it's all really happening,
and that's what i've been trying to tell you all along;
never quiet, never soft.....
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