sandwich week.
day one.
the start is always mildly intimidating,
just a little tiny bit.
it's got to be good, or else-
jumping right into sandwich week.
with some b!tchbaggery can break an eight day stretch as it begins,
straight out of the gates.
and from the first night,
the whole thing could potentially eat a hot plate of sh!t salad.
i'm serious.
i mean,
we all already know it's not gonna ever premier with weak-A* white bread,
salty prepackaged phony pigpart cold cuts,
busted mustard,
and square american cheese as the debut of infinite lameness,
but still.....
it mustn't be anything less than wholly expert,
with the righteous light and heat and thunder
of a hundred juggernauts rolling towards ancient ziggurats,
ready to raze and riot amongst the exultant resultant rubble.
and on a bun, no less,
which is it's own kind of pressure
that's no joke.
i NEED the big action to be big, and activated;
and the display to be delightful, and the flavors to be complex,
and different from before,
and all of that takes thought, and forethought, and vision and foresight,
and that's not something that just spontaneously leaps into pure being,
at least not just simply because i will it to.
i'm not a sandwich GOD.
what sort of self-styled self-aggrandized narcissistic
sense of self-importance do you really think i have over here?!
....i'm much more like a sandwich emperor,
with the potential for deification pending;
determined by the fruitfulness of this week.
that's what i'm sayin', neighbors-
the jump CAN'T be diaperbabyish,
and if we're gonna tread familiar ground, there has to be some new hottness
thrown into the mix, because a previous level eleven sandwich can't be again.
last week's eleven is only this week's nine-
rules is rules, guys.
i made a bangin' banh mi last night.
and i made that blazin' asian mama F*ing work.
check the autobahn-type teleport:

the elite KABOOOOOOMFIRE was on the premises!
i had some good fortune-
-due to rabbit rabbit-ing, you can be certain-
i found the softer baguette, with the fluffy interior,
and i scoopled it right up.
a bias cut, some butterish, and a very hot pan completed the look,
and the foundation was ready for filling.
we got thinly sliced small cucumber on the bottom,
and grilled ramps!
those rare exxtra-white-people-style young wild leeks
are worth every bit of the fuss that folks make over them.
smoked pan-seared vegan roast, with molto paprika and GPOP added on,
because the pate layer in real jauns is gross as all hell,
but a roasty tier of terrific taste is NEVER a bad idea.
then there's those rectangles of sweet 'n' sour spicy mae ploy
thai-type glazed tofu, too.
dry fried 'fu, flash-finished with soy, green chili sauce, rice wine, and mae ploy glaze,
for a balanced, and complicated spectrum of special flavors for your face. good.
farty daikon and carrot pickle, double pressed,
after the rice wine brine and sugar phase,
to rid the room of some of that firmly funky stankonia.
wilty, but crawnchy, tangy, but sweet-
these 'guinis had the right stuff to start our semana de sucioso off with a bang.
fresh jalapeno slices, for that mystery fire, not in every bite;
unpredictably pleasant and powerful pauses for deep breathes and runny-nosed heat-
the kinds of things which make eating much more fun.
and sriracha/ramp veggie mayo spread on top,
for the mandatory cilantro sprankles to stick to.
i was stressed a bit at first,
but it ended on a high note, no question-
the good news is it went straight up to eleven.
i had to have those tomatoes on the side,
to cool off my mouth between big bites.
that's real.
and the brussels?
i wanted to make sure the smoky sesame oil soy glaze wasn't a fluke the first time.
turns out,
it's a real thing, and it's real dope.
sandwich week is a good tool for refreshing one's skill
at killing it day after day in the kitchen with new hottness and fresh ingredients.
there will be MORE of all of it. because that is the way it works.
in fact,
i already began the day with a dose of that dope doo-doo:

oh, c'mon-
Baconish, Lettuce, Sprouts, Hummus, and Tomato.
no wasted loaves over here, y'all.
the last third of that fancy french bread from last night
made itself useful this morning.
i'm about that life, and that's the way i'm gonna live until the day that i die.
rural, remote, really real Folk Life...
that's what i've got,
i also have some super-sexxxy, fabulous wild-in-the-streets world cuisine,
and that's how i thrive away from the wider waking wonders
of the developed and populated bigger picture;
never quiet, never soft.....
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