Sunday, September 22


this is it.
eighty degrees outside, fahrenheit.
that's hot.
and by this evening, the days will be less than half full of light.
i've already felt like the dark days were here to stay for some time.
now, that'll be true in a physical sense, as well.
the outsides are hot as heckfire, and the trees are starting to turn,
and the golden glow of the mountains is tarnished at the edges.
y'know what that means?
it means today is the last day of summer.
that's that.
the end.
the final punctuation mark on the story of this year's big profitable push.
we head into that other part.
the fall part.
the fall apart part.
the fall apart apart part.
that's what's really happening.
that's what's going on on this equidistant equinox of balanced light and dark
and life and death and happy and sad.
or anyway,
the day is balanced fifty/fifty,
but everything else is skewed towards the downsides
in increasing increments and inclemency,
and the elements are all aligned to malign the math that no longer makes a whole number;
instead, there's just a hole, and it can get in line and take a number
and wait it's turn to be dealt with in the long litany of loss and lament and lambast
that has been at the heart of the tug of war between young and old and august and december.
it's a beautiful beautiful beautiful day,
and that has to be enough because that is all there's gonna be.
too much is the right amount.
i believe that.
but that doesn't create unlimited quantities,
just the desire for MORE.
and today is the last day, so we're all out of summer.
we're all out of time.
and we're going headlong and headstrong into nature's smartest stunt.
dying for a while, but looking GOOD as she fades away.
we'll get a full-spectrum goodbye before she leaves, in leaves,
and then it's just grey all day for half a year.
you sure felt bad, and looked stupid, and took forever to get anywhere,
and still somehow didn't.
it seems only right that it ends hot after it started cold,
and that there should've been more, and better of all of it.
that's the whole story;
never quiet, never soft.....

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