Friday, September 13


it has been all food all the time,
and i have been writing things down that resemble recipes for a while now.
still blogging.
still cooking.
still working.
still doing the same sh!t day in and out,
over and over and over.
and that's just what's going on.
i made some tortellini a ways back.....

there's tempeh sausage crOmbles in there.
here's that recipe.
and there's fried garlic slices,
just oil and garlic and heat and time.
and blackened tomatoes, which are my FAVORITE little tomato magics-
that's just halved tomatoes, seared and oiled and salted and delicious.
and arugula, which is tiiiiiight af always.
plus, veggie broth, with carrot and fire roasted tomato sprankles and shallot.
all sauteed together, and the broth was bubbled up all around them.
with cracked black pepper and pink salt, and LOVE.
how dope is that?

whole wheat pasta wrappers?
...they're great.
here's the original recipe,
just substitute king arthur white whole wheat flour for the all purpose.
it's just easy easy cookin'-A* havin' stuff for your face.
can you believe it?
it's all the same same same, just different.
i need food. i need an outlet for creativity,
and i need to DO something that makes me feel better,
so i cook my my nights away.
where's it lead?
to my waistline, mostly.
how do i make it work for me?
i dunno.
...and that's the problem.
i just don't know what to do with my whole F*ing life.
i'm damned near useless in the viable skills department,
and i've been spoiled and soiled by twenty years of F*ing around.
so, i cook, and i write about it,
and it all leads to more of all of it.
there's a precipice i'm standing on, and it's scary as heck to look out
into the unknown future that's right out in front of me,
waiting for me to step away from the stove;
never quiet, never soft...

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