Friday, January 29

the ring.

a circle inside of a circle.
a.k.a. a ring.
that's what i made,
up here in the woodsly goodness,
in my Folk Life & Liberty Fortress test kitchen.
a ring cake, i mean.
as always, i measured very little,
but i made a lot.
with butters and vanilla soy yogurt, and vanilla extract, and vanilla bean paste,
it was very vanilla,
and i baked it up with a buttload of brown sugar,
and some well-curdled buttermilky-style soymilk.
it has a whole lotta moisture, neighbors.
i think that's because i always add a half a cup of tapioca flour in there.
that's the same thing as pudding-in-the-mix.
so, i had this ring of cakey, soft, smooth, seriously decadent dopeness
cold coolin' on the countertop, and i wondered how to activate it in a way that would bring
some serious an severe thunderous stormswept raging gypsy hottness to my face.
the answer?
chocolate and fruit.
i made a big ol' batch of frosting, with strawberry jam, and creamchee',
and crushed, freeze-dried strawberries,
and i whipped it up into a super-soft smoothie-tasting type of airy awesomeness.
i slathered the sh!t outta the top of my cakey ringo,
and then i really got busy.
check the mutha-'ucking teleport:

after the strawberry frosting, i added cocoa to the mix,
and made some chocolate strawberry frosting,
and once i used all of that up?
i made MORE.
too much is the right amount,
and i know the rules, kids.
after all, i wrote 'em.
chocolate frosting swirls, strawberry frosting swirls,
and chocolate strawberry swirls.
all the flavors, overlaping, and interweaving, and interacting to make the overall taste
a turbo-elite tastebud spectacular.
it worked, too.
i hit it up with those chocolate snap star cookies.
i doo-doo that estrella-style freaky-diki combo sh!t.
i'm livin' that kind of life.
a little crawnch to spice up all that smooth smoosh.
what's that brown stuff all over it?
OBviously, that's ground chocolate bar sprankles.
i take my treats scene to eleven.
i feel like i have to, y'know?
i mean, really,
if i'm over here phoning it in, half-A* wholesaling,
and generally taking shortcuts instead of going all-out,
what kind of man am i?
what kind of warrior poet am i?
what sort of berserker barbarian battle-beast bard would i be if i did the minimum,
or accepted less than my best?
no way could i, nor would i.
that's not expert,
and being expert is the TRUTH.
i don't ever really know what's going to happen,
i just know that all of it really is.
i let the treats make themselves,
and i let the rest fall into place around that.
if the cake can create itself,
just by being actively participated with?
the unfolding maps and blueprints for a fateful, frightful, fantastic future
can certainly do the same.
i'm over here, in the hills,
doing what i do.
it's never good enough,
and there's never enough time,
but i suppose that's the recipe for perpetual improvement.
making moves, making gains, making time-
i've got what i've got, and i'll get all i can from it;
never quiet, never soft.....

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