taco tuesday number five already, and it's somehow still only january...
shoutouts to the longest month in history.
and what's more,
there's a super blue blood moon out there over my head this morning,
tugging insistently at all of my lycanthropic lunacies,
urging the emergence of that never-desired werewolfen wild'n out.
that's a thing.
i can feel it pulsing like blood, like magnetics and gravity surging the tide,
and raising the cold iron in that hot lava running through my veins.
the moon is big as heck, and round, and close, and bright bright brighter than ever,
reflecting and refracting the blueish hues that bounce across the winter lansdcape,
in old snow and glare ice.....
it's all really happening, man.
and that's today, tonight, tomorrow;
always, all the time, from the bath in satellite rays,
to the brutal cold and bitter wind,
and the timestamps and milemarkers that make up real life in the woodsly goodness.
it's a wolfman blood sacrifice in the sky, a blue moon blue light special,
and it's also the last day of the first month of the year.
neighbors, that's a LOT.
but anyway,
back to tuesday, and tacos.
as usual, i created an overdose of delicious dopeness in abundance.
i don't know why i can't rein it in and get a hold of my ambitions.
...i guess i just really like fat tacos.
check the taco cinco type teleport:

look at those bad boys.
coconut-lime black and white ricey jasmine jauns!!
a spoonful of coconut, a heavy squeeze of lime,
and a scoop of blended dried garlic-and-onion in with mostly jasmine rice,
activated with a small sprink of black hulled hottness to dye 'em all pretty in lavender.
and then there's that turmeric tempeh!
that's where it's at.
onion, minced jalapeno, and cubed tempeh, sauteed in coconut oil,
with a heaping spoonful of turmeric and a whole mess of black pepper
-to more effectively increase bioavailabilty an' that.
a spoonful of cumin, and coriander, and a little lime zest,
plus Garlic Powder and Onion Powder, too for good measure.
all of that, toasted up, and then simmered in 1/2 cup water, until all of it is absorbed.
you've got yellow bean cakes, fully loaded in spices,
herb crusted to perfection while superbly soft inside.
that's tight, kids. i recommend it.
habanero pink beans and leeks?!?!
one minced up red habanero, and half a leek, sizzlin' for a minute in olive oil,
with one 15oz can of rinsed pink beans,
GPOP, nootch, oregano, smoked paprika, and lime juice complete the look.
these little spicebombs had us coughing.
the vaporized capsaicin tried to choke us out, but it failed,
and the results were not so hot as to be unenjoyable,
juts definitely very spicy in a very satisfying way.
(i might've added a little sugar to help out with that.)
salsa fresca, with sweet baby red pepper, heirloom rainbow tomatoes,
red onion, cilantro, salt and lime juice had us in the ZONE, for sure.
it's just so good on top of all that other other stuff.
on it's own, it's refreshing, but on the top? it's ravishing.
me gusta lie a mofo, yo.
real talk.
pickled mixed veggies are forever ON the list.
pink salt, raw sugar, cider vinegar (enough to cover the veg),
and radishes, carrot, jalapeno, and onion, boiled and cooled and enjoyed
in all their completely briny, shiny, slightly crunchy glory.
have you made any yet?
well you should.
i know i'm not the boss of you, but i am your friend;
and as your friend i'm suggesting a small pot of these for your next taco experience.
just sayin'.
and we've got scallion and red onion and sweet onion sprankles, of course.
too much is the right amount after all.
and pea shoots.
and baby green leaf lettuce.
there's plenty of fresh cilantro, too.
and radicchio, because that sh!t is so pretty.
red pepper rings? of course, a little sweet crunch is welcome on my plate for sure.
cukes? hell yeah, bro. cukes are dope and that's a fact.
is that all?
there's exxxtra limes, and more importantly:
AVO-F*ING-CADO, homie.
i'll bet you could have some simple tacos,
and that's fine, if you're an underachiever.
those of us who want MORE out of life,
and each meal and everything else
couldn't settle for some hard shelled box mix even if we wanted to.
why not?
i'll tell you why not-
because box mix is for jerks, and because it's a bummer.
and we don't want bummers.
we want that super-deluxxxe exxxtra-fancu unnecessary indulgence that reminds us
that being dope is way better than being lazy.
instead of making fun, or even having fun,
i'm making dinner and having seconds.
and that's precisely how i prefer it;
never quiet, never soft.....