Tuesday, January 2


do you remember what happens on the first?
we say the magic words....of course.
but do you remember what else happens?
we make an exxxtra-special numero uno treat!!
rules is rules,
and we doo-doo that freaky sh!t every single time.
that's right.
a luscious, tasty, sweet sumthin'-sumthin' is the BEST way to begin a whole new month.
real talk.
but it's especially essential to activating the brand new hottness of a brand new year.
word up.
this time,
we fired up some cuppies.
cuppy-F*ing cakes are perfect for celebrating with, neighbors.
everybody gets their own, and nobody needs a plate.
that's dope.
the kids requested they be filled with some kind of wonderful,
so i obliged like the doting duder that i'm semi-secretly know to be.
these jauns are expert.
see for yourself:

custom blended fudgy skulls and triceratops??
WU-TANG, we're ringin' in that wooooo-year fire this time around, kids.
seriously, i don't even know where i collected these candy molds from,
but they sure as heckfire came in handy just now.
chocolate chips, vanilla, white chocolate chips,
and a dash of non-dairy milk to emulsify, over low heat......
a handful, a splash, a scoop, etc, you don;t need to measure, but you will need to refrigerate them.
i mean it.
otherwise things tend to moosh together at room temps, and that's not cool.
not even one little teentsy tiny lil bit.....
despite the obvious truth that those little choxxx are SO kyooooot!!
you wanna make some cupcakes?
you do?
and btw, i'm sure they're no less lovely on the second, or third, or whenever....
here's how:
preheat your oven to 350℉
in the bowl of your elite stand-up robotronic mixer, mash together:
1 cup brown sugar;
1/4 cup sugar;
2 tsp vanilla bean paste;
1 stuck (8T) earth balance buttery spread;
3 T vegan creamchee'.
moosh it all up, then add:
2/3 cup non-dairy yogurt;
1/4 cup tapioca flour;
1 tsp cornstarch;
a quick whisk to slightly combine all that,
and the the big dump-up gets poppin'-
3 cups flour;
2 tsp bakey powder;
1 tsp bakey soda;
1 cup non-dairy milk + 2 tsp lemon juice (set for five minutes)
whisk it on high-high,
and evenly scoople the resultant fluffed-out batter into 24 muffin-tins,
in two muffin pans,
and bake 'em for 30 minutes.
just like that, you're a cake wizard.
when they've cooled, you're likely gonna wanna stuff 'em.
i have one of those plungery hole-punch jammers, which i employed to great effect.
that was cool.
the filling was some expert custom pastry creme.
y'ever had that?
it's tight.
here's how i did it, but, you might wanna do it your own way.
the thickener is the key, so keep that in mind:

in a small sauce pot, melt 2 T chocolate chips-
in your blender, whisk 1 cup non-dairy milk with
2 T powdered sugar;
1 T flour;
2 tsp cornstarch;
1 tsp vanilla.
a spoonful in each cupcake. that's all you need.
somehow, though, the improvement is exponential.
and that's good news for those of you who love great cupcakes, am i right?
the frostings were really one one base, plus cocoa.
i'll hit you up with the details, anyway:
3+ cups powdered sugar;
1 stick vegan butter;
1 tsp vanilla;
2 T vegan creamchee';
scant 1/3 cup non-dairy milk.
whisk at increasing speed in your indispensably delightful standing-upright mixer
until maxxximum fluff is achieved.
reserve 50% for the swirls on top. that way, you're ready to rock all the socks off right away.
add 3 T cocoa powder to the remainder,
and re-whisk it into a frenzied lofty luscious airy chocolate dream.
you see how i did what i did in the photo.
i'm not sayin' that it's a great job.
i'm not.
i am acknowledging that the combo is tight, tho.
chocolate frosted chocolate filled squishcakes,
with silver glitter spranle-magical sprankles??!!
AND vanilla swirlies?!?!!
AAND fudge dinosaurs and skulls???!!1
what are you even waiting for, bro?
get your oven heated,
and get busy getting busy.
too much is the right amount, and that's the truth.
i'm over here expressing it in single-serving cakes.
i'm like that.
the focus is on gratitude and generosity.
it could be worse, by leaps and bounds.
it could also be better.
settling in to contentment is not allowed,
because that breeds complacency.
i'm lucky to have the opportunity to create all damned day,
despite the increasing odiousness of most ideas.
on the ones,
it takes those fat staxx of movie checks to get cake ingredients,
so one effort supports the other,
and that's a good thing.
i AM grateful for the tattoos i get to do.
i AM grateful for the food i'm firing up on the daily.
i AM grateful for the folks who span time and break bread with me.
but that doesn't mean i don't want MORE.
i don't expect anybody to do as much,
as hard, as fast, or as hyperattentively intensely, on as little sleep,
for as many days in a row,
as i do.
i don't think i'm wrong to expect SOMEthing.
besides disappointment, i mean.
and that's the hardest thing.
you get what you get, but where does that fit in with what you GIVE and what you DO?
see what i mean?
i'm working on gratitude, at face value, despite disparity.
i'm concentrating on generosity as it's own thing, and not compared against reciprocity.
'...each according to his or her ability'
that's the phrase i keep repeating.
we can't ALL be eleventh-level warrior poets.
and those of us who are have a responsibility to live by example.
gratitude and generosity, kids.
for what you do have,
and towards those we span time alongside.
it's happening.
all of it.
for realsies.
my mind is set, and i'm ready to plunge into the future-
it helps that i'm presently powered by elite cupcakes of course;
never quiet, never soft.....

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