Tuesday, February 12


gluten-free crOmbles?
F* yeah.
wheat is NOT invited to my morningtime bakery business,
when i think that the sweet lady in my life might miss out.
i've got a celiac maniac in my life,
and i don't want to do my thing in ways she can't be included in.
it's true.
i have a compulsion to make my meals with effort and intention.
but there's no reason i have to include wheat in every single thing,
especially if that means that breezy can't try it.
i want to share the things i do.
that's real.
so, i made a thing.
and i know it's good because i've made it before.
an encore performance of a perfect grandma-style coffee cake.
check it out:

who needs gluten when you can have almost everything expert without it?
word up.
y'want the recipe?
i have it, and i'm happy to share it.
the link is right here!
that's the works.
and it works.
...so get to work.
we got snow coming.
it's winter in new england, and that's what happens up here.
the woodsly goodness is prepped and eager to experience another 'nother foot of snowfall.
some people hate it, but they still stay here.
that's dumb.
some people love it, and flock here from less wintry places to do more wintry things.
that's cool, i guess?
i don't have to do that stuff, so i'm not gonna worry about it-
on the ones-
y'all ain't never gonna catch me out on any slopes,
but you might see me sledding with some kids,
or digging out a snow fort to hang out in...
that's more my speed, y'heard?
i don't mind snow.
come on now, y'can't have a snow day without it,
and snow days mean ANYthing can happen.
usually, it's turbulent, and a little trying, and somewhat temper-testing,
but, it's just really cold water, so maybe take it easy...
i'm just sayin'-
up here, it snows, bro.
love it or not, like it or not, ready or not,
that's the weather report, and that's all there is to it;
never quiet, never soft.....

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