it's just that dumplings are hella F*ing good.
if you've got a little leftover filling in the fridge,
and you've got no desire to conspire with with your inner hot fire on some new-new,
there's really a great deal of comfort in the fact that a batch of hot dumps
is genuinely ready to be ready already, and that's just around the corner.
i mean it.
a cup of flour, a dash of salt, a splash of water, some kneading
(ok, a LOT of kneading),
and a little minute or two to rest and roll and cut out your circles or squares,
and then that pre-prepared filling shows up and saves the effing day, duders.
i get into the dumpling scene pretty heavily.
and i never make anything less than MORE than enough filling.
after all,
too much is the right amount.
you know it.
that's the unwritten (until just now) law of dumpling mathematics.
i will add that i might've overestimated my capacity for spicy food, however,
and made some not at all sweet, but 100% spicy soup to keep my dumpie-dumps safe inside of.
i guess the red chilis and jalapenos and crushed red pepper flakes were plenty hot,
but the sriracha and the chili-garlic paste and the cayenne
might've been what took it to the limits of my present tolerances.
i'm just a delicate little diaper baby.........SIKE!
i fought through the hiccups nd runny nose, and slurped that sh!t like a gosh-danged warrior.
c'mon, kids.
i'm not about to weakly sauce out in my own sovereign barbarian bastion
of experienced excellence, just because the soup is too mutha-flippin' HOT.
oh, well, i'm not saying i enjoyed it.
i'm just saying that i ATE it all anyway.
rules is rules,
and if you're gonna spice it up, you've gotta suck it down.
it's simply what's done, and we doo-doo that freaky sh!t as a matter of course.
i added fresh veggie sprankles,
and a whole lotta seared sesame-oiled seitan to mitigate the lingering numb tongue tingles
of an overly steeped pepper-seeded 'scenis.
sidebar: whatchy'all know about the 'scenis?
it's what happens when you choke on your food, often,
whilst also simultaneously mispronouncing words.
that's that 'SCENIS, pronounced 'sĒn-ǝss'.
...don't get it twisted.
all chokes and jokes aside,
the dumpling portion of this superior soup exxxplosion was TILTY and tight all night!
that's for real.
check the runny-nosy-type teleport:

one XL shallot, one yellow carrot, one stalk of celery,
plus three cloves of garlic, a 1/2 cup of cilantro,
3 T white vinegar,. 3 T soy sauce, and 5 cups of broth...
plus, 1 large jalapeno seeds IN, one small red chili, the same,
GPOP, cayenne, 2 T sriracha, and a scoople of chili-garlic paste.
^^ just like that, you've got broth.
the dumps, like i said, are super-simple.
that dough i described above, plus a scoop of brussels-tofu stir-fry fill-ups,
boiled right IN the broth like a big boss man, m'man!
with about 2 cups of baby spinach for health-supportive nutritive dominance an' that.
and then all that tip-top spranky stuff to sexxx it up,
and those crushed red pepper flakes to freak it off.
i overdid it, of course, and i overreacted to my consequences, as well.
...that's just what i DO.
and just try to tell me that seitan does't look FIRE AF.
i'll call you a blind liar right to your mealy-mouthed fibbing effing face, buddy.
that was the TRUTH, as a sizzly-seared and sesa-meaty sossamon 'schuan jauns.
that means it was gooder than good, for those of you new to the lexicon.
dumps on dumps in soup can be great.
if you really don't like the spice, you should probably skip most of that peppery stuff.
if you don't like soup, you should probably skip most of the stuff.
if you don't like dumplings?
well, then you are most likely a total A*-hole,
and nobody cares about you anyhow, and that includes your parents,
who you've disappointed for the last time, kiddo.
the thing about the way i cook?
i don't measure anything.
in fact,
whenever i don't know what to make, i might sometimes just look at pictures of O.P.P.
(other peoples' plates) and reverse engineer what i think it might be, but from scratch.
it's hard to list out all the everything, because there's almost certainly a little flippy-twist
i don't recall, audibly called off-the-cuff across kitchen stadium as needs arose.
you can't account for that in the listed minutiae of a recipe...
i'm trusting that you're a competent, capable, curious culinary conquistador,
and that you'll endeavor to explore all your own ideas with the gentlest nudge towards dinners,
or bakery-fresh blazin' biscuits, or whatever the heck i post on here.
make me proud, or don't. i'm not the boss of you, after all.
alas and alackaday !!!
oh, me; oh, my- i'm guessing and second-guessing all of my gifty choices.
these are the perils of shystie piles.
and that's no laughing matter.
y'never ever EVER wanna have the small heaps of presents, man.
especially if you're the type, like me and mine, who don't enjoy anything,
but keep count of everything.
we're a terribly greedy bunch of gluttons, i guess,
that's hereditary infinite nature,
coupled with ingrained and modeled bad behaviors,
to produce something akin to the orange lantern ring,
or smaug's hoarding,
or, interestingly, like ebenezer scrooge every day before christmas day...
so, like, for realsies, you can't go running around with a shystie pile of gifts.
no freakin' way.
the objectives here are bigger, beautifuller, and also, perhaps most importantly,
to do MORE than ever before.
it's additive, it's cumulative, and it's the only way i ever really feel like i'm moving forward.
never quiet, never soft.....
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