Monday, June 20

bright bright bright.

the summer solstice and a full moon, at once?
daaaaaaaamn, that's expert.

today is the day,
and tonight is the night.
the season is now, the summer is officially here,
and the brightest day of the year is in F*ing full effect.
it's actually still 24 hours, just like every other day,
so, no, it's not the longest,
and also,
harvest and maple are leaving tomorrow,
so i'm sure it'll feel like it is much much too short.

(maple clearly doesn't give any effs)
in the meantime,
i've got tattoos to do, naturally,
and a very misaligned schedule to endure outside of real life.
work is not what i live for, neighbors.
it's more a necessary inescapability;
no jokes,
these minutes spent here, hermiting and holed-up,
hidden away in my Folk Life & Liberty Fortress
are undoubtedly a more tangible, tactile, stimulating sensory set of circumstances
than any hours invested in tattoos will ever be.
i make the best of it,
and i damned sure do a whole lot of it,
but work is work,
and life is life,
and while i put a lot of liveliness into my work,
i put a whole lot more work into my life.
the real-real happens harder away from the closed solution set of worktimes.
for sure.
all of it, all the time, always gets taken to eleven,
but those movie checks i take away from manual mercenary art-for-hire
won't ever rank higher than the time i span with the vikings and valkyries
of lightning-striking valhalla-vying virtue, value, valor, and victory.
y'feel me?
it's SUMMERTIME. neighbors,
and that means more work, more people, more traffic,
more petitions for my time and energy and attention,
and all of it has to fit into an ever-darkening decline in daylight from tomorrow on out.
there is a long list of demands,
and an equal-length litany of commands,
and an interminable capacity for reprimands,
all unfolding and unrolling across the exhaustive expanse of this woodsly goodness,
and tonight,
we're gonna light the whole thing on fire.
the solstice is here,
the werewolfen fullness of the moon is shining bright like a silver sun,
even when it's invisible to the naked eye.
the flames will add their radiance to the mix,
and we'll chase away the extraneous,
to be replaced with contemporaneous companionship.
my family and i are celebrating, together, tonight.
it's all really happening,
the realest realness, the kindest kinship, the worthiest warrior poetry,
illuminating our passage through time, irradiating the change of season,
and reminding us all that work isn't all there is,
but everything takes work.
we've got a job to do,
and this is it-
luckily, it doesn't have a site-specific workplace,
because active participation in the wider world awaits us everywhere;
never quiet, never soft.....

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