Friday, December 1


NOvember got me one last time on the way out.
upon cooling off, the apple-cranberry cake i baked up all nicey-nice
essentially dissolved all the apple juice out of every apple chunk,
and turned a hearty crumb into a heavy mud.
although i made a beautiful, intentional, aromatic,
and activated attempt at awesomeness,
and i used the last of my expert homemade vanilla cider cranberry sauce to do it,
but it turned to sh!t,
just like NOvember always does.
look at how it was, before it wasn't:

the whole underneath was a sloppy jalopy of junky jumbled juicy sludge.
(which it was NOT when it was done baking, and a cake tester came out squeaky clean.)
that was a bummer.
and i'll just go on ahead and skip the recipe,
since it was for sh!t.
i suppose the fix has already become evident in my mind,
so maybe i'll make a december version,
much improved, and proven in the production,
which i'll share with y'all if it happens.
failure acknowledged, and moving on:
this morning,
i said the magic words,
to cultivate fortunate coincidences and fortuitous instances,
and to reassure myself that it should get better,
despite the grim and very real possibility that it might not...
but i still said it,
because rules is rules,
and that's what you do.
twice, in a row, out loud, to summon the spirit and memory of better things,
and cast out the accrued disinterest of NOvember.
magic words?
rabbit! rabbit!
that's the stuff, maybe.
it can't hurt, at any rate.
it's december.
and that's a big deal.
it's the beginning of the end,
and we're in the home strecth,
as well as the last-gasp mad-dash sprint to the holidays and the finish line.
that's a LOT at once,
in the cold, and the dark,
it's ALL really happening,
and i'm pretty much positive that that's the whole point.
really real real-life,
with words and deeds and pictures provided by ourselves to document
the passage and the rites of time and space as they unfold along the well-worn
deep-creased ley lines of active participation and worthy warrior poetry in motion.
i guess that counts for something;
never quiet, never soft.....

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